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CSV Import

👉 To enable support for CSV import, just add below config.
👉 Need to provide mapping for CSV columns and database columns in "fieldMappings".

export interface IDBMasterConfig {
    operations: {
        importData: {
            enable: true,
            gridWidth: '2000px',
            fieldMappings: [{
                header: 'Name',  // 👈 UI grid header value.
                sourceField: 'NAME', // 👈 CSV Field header value
                targetField: 'name', // 👈 Database field path
                convertTargetFieldToType: EType.string,  // 👈 Convert to this type for database before saving.
                width: '300px',
            }, {
                header: 'Date of birth',
                sourceField: 'DOB',
                targetField: 'dateOfBirth',

                dateParseFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd',
                width: '300px',

                // dateParseFormat: 'dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss a',
                // dateTimeZone: 'Asia/Kolkata',

                // dateFormatUIDisplay: 'dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss a',
                // dateTimeZoneUIDisplay: 'Asia/Kolkata', // 'America/Los_Angeles',

Interface Documentation

export interface IDBMasterImportData {
    enable: boolean;

    /** Default : pi pi-file-import */
    icon?: string;

    /** width of grid. */
    gridWidth?: string;

    fieldMappings: IDBMasterImportGridColumn[];

    /** By default it can use save API. */
    apiCallOverrides?: IDBMasterAPICallOverrides;

export interface IDBMasterImportGridColumn {
    header: string;

    /** CSV field map */
    sourceField: string;

    /** It will be database field, csv data will be stored into this field after conversion. */
    targetField: string;

    /** CSV data will be converted to this type. */
    convertTargetFieldToType: EType;

    /** Default: ISO date format, date-fns format, Dates from CSV will be parsed using this format. */
    dateParseFormat?: string;

    /** Dates will be converted into this timezone before sending to database query. */
    dateTimeZone?: string;

    /** Dates will be converted to this format to display in UI.<br/> */
    dateFormatUIDisplay?: string;

    /** Dates will be converted to this format to display in UI.<br/> */
    dateTimeZoneUIDisplay?: string;

    // calculated property
    filterType?: EDBMasterConfigFilterType;

    /** width of grid column */
    width?: string;