'find' is used to match particular values of keys.
Schema based API url
schemaless API url
$lt operation
- Find all data which has customer_id less than 2.
$gt operation
- Find all data which has customer_id greater than 2.
$lte operation
- Find all data which has customer_id less than or equal 2.
$gte operation
- Find all data which has customer_id greater than or equal 2.
$eq operation
- Find data which has customer_id equal 2.
$ne operation
- Find all data which has customer_id not equal 2.
$not operator
- Find all data which has owner_id is not in the given numbers of the array.
$and operation
- Find all data which has customer_id equal to 1 and pincode equal to 382345.
$or operation
- Find all data which has customer_id equal to 1 or pincode equal to 382345.
$nin operation
- Find all data which has customer_id should not be in the given array values.
$in operation
- Find all data which has owner_id value match with given array values.
$like operation in Custom api
- Find all data which has first_name start match with 'Bob'.
find-join (nested find)
- Match with deep data. The 'owner_id' and 'customer_id' both are from different collections.
With $and operator
With $or operator
Give string value in number field
- customer_id has a type number. If the user provides a number in a double quote it will give the correct response.
$regex support
- Find all data which has first_name start with the 'Sie' string.