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Array operations API

Auto generated schema-less array operation API is used for Mongo database only.

In the 'operations' array you can define the 'operation', 'path' and respective fields.

  • 'operation' can be 'push', 'addToset', 'pull', 'pullAll', 'pop' and 'set'.

    • 'push' it will add new given data to array.
    • 'addToSet' adds a value to an array. If the value is already present it does nothing to that array.
    • 'pull' removes element by given query.
    • 'pullAll' operator removes all instances from array.
    • 'pop' removes the first or last element of an array.
    • 'set' used to replace the value of a field.
  • 'path' is the array type column name of the database.

  • 'dataToPush' is used for push operation. Array/Object of data to push in array.
  • 'queryToRemove' is used remove document from array.
  • 'dataToPull' remove all items of selected array.
  • 'direction' can be -1 or 1. -1 will remove first and 1 remove last from the array.
  • 'position' is used in push. If 'dataToPush' is array we can use it with $each operator.
  • 'slice' accept number value. It must use with $each, used in push. positive = remove that much elements from front of array. negative = remove items from end of array.
  • 'sort' must use with $each, used in push.
  • 'dataToSet' object to be passed in 'set' operator.
  • 'arrayFilters' array of objects, to be used to filter array items and set values of 'set' operator.
  • 'upsert' accept Boolean value if its true it check for the value and if value not found in 'set' operation it will insert new value there.



PUSH operation

Request Payload

    "find": {
        "customer_id": 1
    "operations": [
            "operation": "push",
            "path": "ages",
            "dataToPush": [
                    "age": 33,
                    "birth_year": 1989,
                    "country_id": 1
  • Push in all objects.

Request Payload

    "find": {},
    "operations": [
            "operation": "push",
            "path": "ages",
            "dataToPush": [
                    "age": 2,
                    "birth_year": 1989

Pull operation

Request Payload

    "find": {
        "customer_id": 1
    "operations": [
            "operation": "pull",
            "path": "ages",
            "queryToRemove": {
                "age": 2,
                "birth_year": 1989,
                "country_id": 1

Pop operation

  • It will remove a single record in ascending direction.

Request Payload:

    "find": {
        "customer_id": 5
    "operations": [
            "operation": "pop",
            "path": "ages",
            "direction": 1
  • It will remove a single record in descending direction.

Request Payload:

    "find": {
        "customer_id": 5
    "operations": [
            "operation": "pop",
            "path": "ages",
            "direction": -1

PullAll operation

Request Payload

    "find": {
        "customer_id": 1
    "operations": [
            "operation": "pullAll",
            "path": "ages",
            "dataToPull": [
                    "age": 2,
                    "birth_year": 1989,
                    "country_id": 1
  • Pull from all objects.

Request Payload

    "find": {},
    "operations": [
            "operation": "pullAll",
            "path": "ages",
            "dataToPull": [
                    "age": 2,
                    "birth_year": 1989


Request Payload

    "find": {},
    "operations": [
            "operation": "addToSet",
            "path": "ages",
            "dataToPush": {
                "age": 2,
                "birth_year": 1989

set operation

  • The 'set' operation will update the value to an array. If the value is already present it does nothing to that array.
  • If we provide 'upsert:true' it will add 'field:value' if any related key is not found.
  • 'arrayFilters' array is used to find the data object in the array.

Request Payload

    "find": {},
    "operations": [
            "operation": "set",
            "upsert": true,
            "dataToSet": {
                "ages.$[item].age": 4566,
                "ages.$[item].birth_year": 1999,
                "ages.$[item].birth_date": 29
            "arrayFilters": [
                    "item.birth_year": 1999


  • 'slice' accepts numbers.
  • If it's zero it will update the array with an empty array.
  • If it's negative it will update the array fields to contain only the last given number of elements.
  • If it's positive the array update with only the first given number of elements.

Request Payload

    "find": {
        "_id": "63e0775abd0e063920533f7c"
    "operations": [
            "operation": "push",
            "path": "ages",
            "dataToPush": [
                    "age": 66,
                    "birth_year": 1961,
                    "country_id": ""
            "slice": 2


  • Give the index number as 'position' and the data will push at that index.

Request Payload

    "find": {
        "_id": "63e0775abd0e063920533f7c"
    "operations": [
            "operation": "push",
            "path": "ages",
            "dataToPush": [
                    "age": 66,
                    "birth_year": 1961,
                    "country_id": ""
            "position": 2


  • To get the sorted response array data use 'sort'.
  • It supports only two values 1 and -1.
  • Here, 1 will sort data in ascending order and -1 will give response data in descending order.

Request Payload

    "find": {
        "_id": "63e0775abd0e063920533f7c"
    "operations": [
            "operation": "push",
            "path": "ages",
            "dataToPush": [
                    "age": 66,
                    "birth_year": 1961,
                    "country_id": ""
            "sort": {
                "age": 1

Push - Pull both operation in single payload.

Request Payload

    "find": {},
    "operations": [
            "operation": "push",
            "path": "ages",
            "dataToPush": {
                "age": 2,
                "birth_year": 1989
            "operation": "pull",
            "path": "ages",
            "queryToRemove": {
                "age": 2,
                "birth_year": 1989

$and use in operation in single payload.

Request Payload

    "find": {
        "customer_id": 3
    "operations": [
            "operation": "push",
            "path": "ages",
            "dataToPush": {
                "age": 4,
                "birth_year": 3112
            "operation": "pull",
            "path": "ages",
            "queryToRemove": {
                "$and": [
                        "age": {
                            "$gte": 3
                        "birth_year": 7889

$or use in operation in single payload.

Request Payload

    "find": {
        "customer_id": 2
    "operations": [
            "operation": "push",
            "path": "ages",
            "dataToPush": {
                "age": 4,
                "birth_year": 3112
            "operation": "pull",
            "path": "ages",
            "queryToRemove": {
                "$or": [
                        "age": {
                            "$gte": 3
                        "birth_year": 7889

auto convert String into Number datatype in dataToPush

  • Here age, birth_year, and country_id fields are numbers in API Maker's schema, we provide value in a string.

Request Payload

    "find": {
        "customer_id": 1
    "operations": [
            "operation": "push",
            "path": "ages",
            "dataToPush": [
                    "age": "5",
                    "birth_year": "1990",
                    "country_id": "2"

auto convert object into a string.

  • "hobbies" field is an array of strings. Here we try to save an object in that. It will convert objects into strings and save them.

Request Payload

    "find": {
        "customer_id": 4
    "operations": [
            "operation": "push",
            "path": "hobbies",
            "dataToPush": [
                    "age": 999,
                    "birth_year": 2500

'queryToRemove' support object, string, number

Request Payload

    "find": {
        "customer_id": 2
    "operations": [
            "operation": "pull",
            "path": "ages",
            "queryToRemove": {
                "birth_year": 1991




