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Collection settings

  • To save collection settings click on the Add Collection Settings button.

Collection setting code

import * as T from 'types';

let instanceColSetting: T.IInstanceApiSettingsTypes = {
    enableCaching: false,
    acceptOnlyEncryptedData: false,
    apiAccessType: T.EAPIAccessType.TOKEN_ACCESS,
    authTokenInfo: <T.IAuthTokenInfo[]>[
            authTokenType: T.EAuthTokenType.AM_DB,
            authTokenAMDB: {
                "instance": "INSTANCE_NAME",
                "database": "DATABASE_NAME",
                "collection": "COLLECTION_NAME",
                "usernameColumn": "USER_NAME_COLUMN",
                "passwordColumn": "USER_PASSWORD_COLUMN"
module.exports = instanceColSetting;

Enable caching

To enable caching of a particular collection and its APIs use enableCaching: true

enableCaching: true | false

Accept only encrypted data

  • If you set the acceptOnlyEncryptedData value as true API Maker will accept only the encrypted body, query params, and URL.
  • In the header provide x-am-encrypted-payload: true when you set acceptOnlyEncryptedData: true.
acceptOnlyEncryptedData: true | false

API access type

  • There are two possible values of apiAccessType.
  • When you set IS_PUBLIC this collection's all APIs should be publicly available.
  • When you set TOKEN_ACCESS this collection's all APIs should require a token to access.
  • Provide API User token in the x-am-authorization header.

Auth token info

  • If you do not provide authTokenInfo it will take authTokenInfo from the default secret.
// authTokenInfo: <T.IAuthTokenInfo[]>[]
  • If the authTokenInfo value is an empty array then provide only AM's API user's token in the x-am-authorization header because we are overriding the default secret's authTokenInfo. In that, you have to provide API Maker's API user token in the x-am-authorization header.
authTokenInfo: <T.IAuthTokenInfo[]>[]
  • Now, if you set authTokenType: T.EAuthTokenType.AM_DB and given required values in the authTokenAMDB object. The end user(who will use APIs) needs to provide the token in the x-am-user-authorization header.
  • The end user needs to create a token using the given instance, database, collection, usernameColumn, and passwordColumn values. Use the getToken system API to get the token.
authTokenInfo: <T.IAuthTokenInfo[]>[
        authTokenType: T.EAuthTokenType.AM_DB,
        authTokenAMDB: {
            "instance": "INSTANCE_NAME",
            "database": "DATABASE_NAME",
            "collection": "COLLECTION_NAME",
            "usernameColumn": "USER_NAME_COLUMN",
            "passwordColumn": "USER_PASSWORD_COLUMN"