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  • 'deep' is used to get inherited data.
  • Get the inherited data from different databases, and instances.
  • Multiple-level inheritance can be supported.

cities table in 'postgresql' instance

id state_id city_name
102 201 RAJKOT
103 201 SURAT
104 201 VADODARA
105 202 KOCHI
106 202 KANNUR
107 202 PONNANI
108 203 AMRITSAR
109 203 MOHALI
110 204 DUNCAN

states table in 'oracle' instance

id country_id state_name
201 301 GUJARAT
202 301 KERALA
203 301 PUNJAB
204 302 ARIZONA

countries table in 'mysql' instance

id country_name
302 USA


  • Schema based API url


  • schemaless API url


Single level deep

  • 's_key' = source key. If we hit request to the 'cities' table and try to deep in the 'state_id' column. The 'state_id' will be the source key name.
  • 't_instance' = target instance. The 'states' table is in the 'oracle' instance.
  • 't_db' = target database. The 'states' table is in the 'inventory' database.
  • 't_col' = target collection. It's 'states'. We try to get deep 'states' table data.
  • 't_key' = target key. The column name of the 'states' table which we will try to match with the 'state_id' column in the 'cities' table data.
  • 'find' is used to find a particular match.
  • 'isMultiple' is used when multiple matches are available and want to get in response all matches.
  • 'limit', get only that number of data objects in the response.
  • 'select', comma separated columns name. Only mentioned columns get in response.
  • 'skip', skip given number objects from the start.
  • 'sort', sort response objects in ascending order with a given column name. If it's '-state_name' then it will set the order descending with the given column name.
deep: [
        s_key: "state_id",
        t_instance: "oracle",
        t_db: "inventory",
        t_col: "states",
        t_key: "id",
        find: {
            "state_name": "GUJARAT"
        isMultiple: true,
        limit: 10,
        select: "state_name, state_id",
        skip: 2,
        sort: "state_name",

Multi level deep

  • Get multi level data from different databases, instances.
deep: [
        t_instance: "TARGET_INSTANCE_NAME",
        t_db: "TARGET_DATABASE_NAME",
        t_col: "TARGET_COLLECTION_NAME",
        deep: [
                s_key: "SOURCE_COLLECTION_COLUMN_NAME",
                t_instance: "TARGET_INSTANCE_NAME",
                t_db: "TARGET_DATABASE_NAME",
                t_col: "TARGET_COLLECTION_NAME",
                t_key: "TARGET_COLLECTION_COLUMN_NAME",
                find: {
                    "COLUMN_NAME": "COLUMN_VALUE"
                select: "COMMA_SEPARATED_COLUMN_NAMES",
                deep: [
                        s_key: "SOURCE_COLLECTION_COLUMN_NAME",
                        t_instance: "TARGET_INSTANCE_NAME",
                        t_db: "TARGET_DATABASE_NAME",
                        t_col: "TARGET_COLLECTION_NAME",
                        t_key: "TARGET_COLLECTION_COLUMN_NAME",
                        limit: 1

Deep populate from two tables at a time

  • Get deep data from multiple tables in different source keys at a time.
    "deep": [
            "s_key": "SOURCE_COLLECTION_COLUMN_NAME",
            "t_instance": "TARGET_INSTANCE_NAME",
            "t_db": "TARGET_DATABASE_NAME",
            "t_col": "TARGET_COLLECTION_NAME",
            "t_key": "TARGET_COLLECTION_COLUMN_NAME"
            "s_key": "SOURCE_COLLECTION_COLUMN_NAME_1",
            "t_instance": "TARGET_INSTANCE_NAME_1",
            "t_db": "TARGET_DATABASE_NAME_1",
            "t_col": "TARGET_COLLECTION_NAME_1",
            "t_key": "TARGET_COLLECTION_COLUMN_NAME_1"


  • Let countries, states, and cities collection in different instances and databases.

  • Query to get multi deep data.

  • Here, we hit the below query on the 'cities' collection. Which is in 'postgresql'.
  • The 'states' table is in the 'oracle' instance and the 'countries' table is in the 'mysql' instance.
  • limit:1, so we will get only one object in response.
    "find": {},
    "limit": 1,
    "deep": [
            "s_key": "state_id",
            "t_instance": "oracle",
            "t_db": "inventory",
            "t_col": "states",
            "t_key": "id",
            "deep": [
                    "s_key": "country_id",
                    "t_instance": "mysql",
                    "t_db": "inventory",
                    "t_col": "countries",
                    "t_key": "id"
  • Response of above query.
    "success": true,
    "statusCode": 200,
    "data": [
            "id": 101,
            "state_id": {
                "id": 201,
                "country_id": {
                    "id": 301,
                    "country_name": "INDIA"
                "state_name": "GUJARAT"
            "city_name": "AHMEDABAD"