API Maker - Save Single or Multiple API Records [Bulk Insert] [Post operation]
✅ This API is available in all major 8 database types in API Maker
- MongoDB
- SQL Server
- MariaDB
- Oracle DB
- PostgreSQL DB
- TiDB
- Percona XtraDB
✅ User can save single or multiple records
- having some inbuilt validation and conversion functionality.
✅ Generate Dummy Payload [Single | Multiple]
- Based on schema, user can generate dummy data with a single click by using Generated Data option in body section.
- To generate your data it will not perform any kind of operation on database.it will guess the data based on field name and types.
✅ Modify response using Query Params [select | deep]
- select - Retrieve the fields based on the user's needs.
- deep - Obtain more precise / details data in a certain field.
✅ This API work like Atomic operation [either save all or none]
- for single object inside the array, entire array input will not be considered as atomic operation.
⭐ Validation ⭐
👉 API Maker validate the payload using below validator.
- required
- email
- max
- maxLength
- min
- minLength
- unique
- validatorFun [Custom validator function]
⭐ Conversion ⭐
👉 API Maker can convert the payload using below conversion.
- encryption
- hashing
- toLowerCase
- toUpperCase
- trim
- trimStart
- trimEnd
- conversionFun [Custom conversion function]
⭐ API Example ⭐
"first_name": "Bob",
"last_name": "Lin"
"first_name": "Alice",
"last_name": "Page"
⭐ Example in code ⭐
// Perform bulk insert operation in schema based API
let saveSingleOrMultiple = await g.sys.db.saveSingleOrMultiple({
instance: "mysql_8",
database: "inventory",
collection: "customers",
saveData: [{
"first_name": "Bob",
"last_name": "Lin"
"first_name": "Alice",
"last_name": "Page"
// Perform bulk insert operation in generated API, only for mongoDB
let saveSingleOrMultiple = await g.sys.db.gen.saveSingleOrMultipleGen({
instance: "mysql_8",
database: "inventory",
collection: "customers",
saveData: [{
"first_name": "Bob",
"last_name": "Lin"
"first_name": "Alice",
"last_name": "Page"