Table/Collection schema
- Schema is generated as per the collection data.
Supported schema properties
- __type
- validations
- conversions
- isPrimaryKey
- isAutoIncrementByAM
- isAutoIncrementByDB
- collection/table
- column
- database
- instance
API Maker schema supports the below data types.
- boolean
- date
- file
- files
- number
- objectId
- string
Supported validations properties
- required
- max
- min
- minLength
- maxLength
- unique
- validatorFun
- enum [v1.11+]
- It has boolean value true/false.
- If 'required: true' is not present in validations, by default, it's 'required: false'.
- It has been a boolean value true/false.
- If it has true value then it's validate field value for email.
- If 'email: true' is not present in validations, by default, it's 'email: false'.
min & max
- min and max validations are applied on the number column type.
minLength & maxLength
- minLength and maxLength validations are applied to the string column type.
- If any field has 'unique: true' validation it can not save with duplicate value.
- Request payload has three objects in which the last object phone number is not unique. All the other objects were not saved too in both 'save single | multiple' and 'master save | update' APIs.
Request payload
- Write custom function code for more validations on a particular field.
- We have field value and the full object of the body.
- validatorFun will be executed last. So, if you modify data in those functions that are invalid, and try to save/update, it will pass through.
enum [v1.11+]
- Conversion will run before validation
- If value is present, it should be from given array.
- Validation will not be performed when enum array is empty.
- Generate Data will take values from enum instead of random values. It will work in swagger docs and all the relevant APIs.
- To convert any payload column value use 'conversions'.
- We need to write the conversion function here as 'conversionFun'.
The 'conversions' supports below properties.
- trimStart: boolean - To remove space from the start of the value.
- trimEnd: boolean - To remove space from the end of the value.
- trim: boolean - To remove space from the start and end of the value.
- toLowerCase: boolean - Convert all characters of the value to lowercase.
- toUpperCase: boolean - Convert all characters of the value to upper case.
- conversionFun: function - Write a custom function to change the given value. (v1.11.0+) It will be executed even if value is not present in payload.
- encryption: boolean - If it's true it will encrypt the value and save.
- hashing: boolean - It will create a hash of the value and save.
- defaults [v1.11+]: It is used to set default values.
- The database table has the column as the primary key then it will add 'isPrimaryKey: true' in the schema.
- Add 'isAutoIncrementByAM: true' if we make any column auto increment. It makes a field auto increment from the API Maker not from the database.
- Add 'isAutoIncrementByDB: true' if the column is an auto increment from the database side.
- To save, get and update nested deep data from any collection/table, use 'collection or table'.
- You must have to provide 'column'.
- To save, get and update nested deep data from any database's collection, use 'database'.
- If 'database' is not there API Maker takes the same database in which the schema right now you are editing.
- To save, get and update nested deep data from any instance, any database, and any collection, use 'instance'.
- If 'instance' is not there API Maker takes the same instance in which the schema right now you are editing.
- defaultValue has higher priority compare to defaultFun.
- If defaultValue is not present, system will execution this function and returned value will be set.
- While saving new record, if value is not provided then this function will be executed to generate default value.