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Benchmarks Summary

⭐ Linode shared CPU.

Method 1 CPU 2 CPU 4 CPU 8 CPU
(Req/sec - Read) (Req/sec - Read) (Req/sec - Read) (Req/sec - Read)
Get ALL 10x10 788 (105MB) 1458 (195 MB) 2759 (368 MB) 4529 (604 MB)
Get all with caching 10x10 1563 (218MB) 2971 (415 MB) 4974 (695 MB) 6475 (904 MB)
GetAll By Stream 565 (78.9MB) 1111 (155 MB) 2213 (309 MB) 3793 (528 MB)
Custom API 221 (4.94MB) 467 (10.04 MB) 884 (19.7 MB) 1428 (31.8 MB)
Get By Id 844 (27.5MB) 1567 (51.1 MB) 3015 (98.2 MB) 4925 (160 MB)
Get by ID with caching 1494 (58.1MB) 2821 (110 MB) 4892 (190 MB) 6626 (258 MB)

⭐ Linode Dedicated CPU

Method 2 CPU 4 CPU
(Req/sec-Read) (Req/sec-Read)
Get ALL 10x10 990 (132MB) 2014 (269 MB)
Get all with caching 10x10 2079 (290MB) 3739 (522 MB)
GetAll By Stream 711 (99.3MB) 1523 (212 MB)
Custom API 320 (7.14MB) 598 (13.3 MB)
Get By Id 1098 (35.8MB) 2249 (73.3 MB)
Get by ID with caching 1960 (76.2MB) 3764 (146 MB)