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API bundles

  • The API bundles contain multiple APIs versions and their APIs. Store users can add multiple bundles as required.
  • Add new API bundle with 'label', 'name', and 'description'.
  • The 'Label' and 'Name' can not be edited once it saved.
  • The API bundle owner can upload the logo and banner of the bundle. The store admin will approve the logo and banner, and it will show.

API bundle state

  • The bundle can have DRAFT | PENDING_APPROVAL | PUBLISHED | BLOCKED state.
  • When the user creates a new bundle it has a DRAFT state.
  • PENDING_APPROVAL state means it's waiting for approval from the API Maker store root user. Store users can not delete. The API maker users can not see it.
  • When the store root user approves the bundle has a PUBLISHED state. Now, API maker users can use it.
  • If the store root user blocked the package it has a BLOCKED state.